You’ve worked really hard to build your beauty brand into a viable revenue generator. Appointments are piling in, and your dream of becoming a beauty business owner is finally coming true. But you start to notice something…you’re constantly turning away work. You must remember that there are only so many hours in a day and you are only one person, so what do you do now?

Let’s face it - its time to grow your beauty dream team. Potential clients are coming to you because of a referral or they know your work and want to pay for your services. If you turn most of them away your once great reputation will be tarnished. Is that a risk you can afford to take in your beauty business? 

If you are still not sure that you need a beauty dream team, let these signs gauge whether it’s time for you to make some considerations.

1. You are turning away consistent work week after week

If you’re turning down appointments because you’re booked solid, it’s time to grow your team. This basically means that you are leaving money on the table and missing out on potential revenue. It’s a sure sign that you need a beauty team.

2. You have no time to grow

Sure, you’re able to handle day-to-day operations without letting your customers down, but adding new customers is out of the question. You don’t have time to stop to think about where your business is going next because you’re too busy trying to keep your existing business model operating.

3. You are sending clients to other artists in your area

Sending clients to other artists in your area is good - but only for the other artists. Even if you are making some commissions from these referrals, you are once again leaving money on the table that is offered to you based on your professional approach.

4. You need assistants when organizing larger parties

Big bridal parties and productions with lots of customers will require the use of an assistant. If you think you can manage it alone, it is certain that you will always need a helping hand or two to run errands and manage client expectations. However, the big picture is that you need a team by your side that will help you earn more money and a solidify your reputation.

So, don’t you think it’s about time to...start thinking like a business owner!

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